Accessoires, Builds & Furniture, Events and Showcases, Fashion, Hair, Jewelry, Pets, Photography, Poses & Animations

Lazy As(s)

Top: erratic / sina – top / FATPACK
Pants: COCO_CroppedTrousers_FloralPink
Hair: TRUTH Vivid
Necklace: KUNGLERS – Federika set

Pet: JIAN Baby Sloths :: Blanket Sloth

Home: Trompe Loeil – Daley Modern Farmhouse
Decor: Fancy Decor: Industrial Bed + FD & Commoner: Indio Wall Art

Pose: T E M P L A R //BANSHEE  [Pose Fair 10 Year Anniversary Event]

Accessoires, Builds & Furniture, Events and Showcases, Fashion, Hair, Jewelry, Photography, Poses & Animations, Uncategorized

Fired Up

Dress: .:JUMO:. Arielle Dress Orchid  [for On9]
Hair: [NYNE] ‘Angelica’ Hair  [for On9]
Mesh head: LeLutka Bento Head-MAY
Choker: :::NOIR::: Isabela Choker
Earrings: austris – summertime gacha #1 RARE  [for On9]

Home: SAYO – Midnight in Manhattan Gacha – Rooftop Bar – RARE
Seating: DMG FRIENDS BENCH  [for On9]
Decor: {vespertine}- birds of paradise palm. + /artilleri/ BBQ – Kettle grill

Pose: ** Manifeste **